Share Experiment 6: Find a Good Writers’ Workshop

When I say that people neither want nor need brutal feedback, I’m not saying that all feedback should focus on what is going right already.  My argument with brutal feedback is that is often delivered without careful thought about the impact on the person, and it often fails to identify what is already strong.

  • Craig Chappelow and Cindy McCauley. What Good Feedback Really Looks Like. Harvard Business Review, May 13, 2019.I think this article has a balanced approach.  We all need to be pushed to get better, to do things that are unfamiliar and uncomfortable or to hear what other people just don’t get about our writing.
  • Grant Wiggins.  7 Keys to Effective Feedback.  September 1, 2012. ACSD Resources.
  • Lisa Sansom, Catch Them Doing Things Right – A research-based model for effective positive feedbackVideo of presentation at 2021 Life Improvement Science Conference.This presentation is intended for researchers and so is a bit academic.  Lisa needs to write something about this topic for the general public.  She is studying it for her doctoral research.  I will update this item when her work gets published.