
These are the resources for the Introduction and for Chapter 1 of Sit Write Share.

  • Kathryn Britton. Think of It as an Experiment. Positive Psychology News, April 3, 2014 .This short article summarizes my deep belief that the best way to better our own lives is to approach them with an experimental mindset. We need to try on possible actions to determine what fits.
  • Brian Branagan, Getting Beyond No. Quality Conversations Field Notes Blog.Brian Branagan has been a colleague, client, and friend for nearly more than ten years. Besides inspiring this book, he focuses on quality conversations, listening and responding well in challenging circumstances. There are other articles in his Quality Conversations Field Notes.
  • Aesop’s Fables. A selection of editions.I grew up with Aesop’s Fables, but I am trying not to assume that my body of knowledge is still readily accessible to people younger than I am.