At noon on April 25, 2023, I’ll be the guest for an interview about writing hosted by Dorian Mintzer as part of her ongoing series, Revolutionize! Your retirement.
Visit the interview announcement page to sign up.
Here’s the information I gave the Dori to announce the interview:
Write! An Invitation to Transform Your Experience into Content That Matters
Join Us On This Webinar and Discover Ways to Approach Writing with Zest
What will happen to the wisdom you’ve gained from experience and the stories of the life you alone have lived? Do you keep promising yourself to write them down but never quite get around to it? Do you delete almost as many words as you write? Do you write things that never get shared?
Nobody is born knowing how to write. Like any skill, writing improves with deliberate practice and attention. Although there is no single recipe that works for every writer, there are common ingredients that recur in successful writing practices. One of the best ways to discover your own recipe is adopt an experimental mindset and try various approaches until you find what works for you.
This month’s guest, Kathryn Britton, has helped hundreds of writers get past writers’ block and find their own voices. In her writers’ workshops, people help each other overcome the fear that keeps writing from happening. Her clients urged her to write down the writing approaches she has suggested to them as they figure out how to get writing done.
In this program, you’ll discover some of the techniques in her book, Sit Write Share, which include:
- 13 Sit experiments to help you get your writing started, escape writer’s block, defeat internal gremlins, build habits, and find inspiration.
- 26 Write experiments to help you imagine your message, create a rough draft, and then edit in phases until your polished version emerges.
- 16 Share experiments to help you get support, publish, and spread your message to those who need it.
Note: This is an audio-only interview.
About Kathryn Britton
“Everybody has a story to tell. I wish I could read about my great grandmother’s life, how she raised 12 children and homesteaded in Southern Idaho in the late 1800s. Probably she thought her life was too mundane to write down. I often think of her when people say, ‘Who would want to read my story?'” says Kathryn Britton, a writing coach on a mission to help people get their wisdom and stories written down.
Kathryn Britton did not start out intending to focus on writing. In her 30-year career as a software engineer, it was a surprise to find herself writing more prose than code, producing design documents, patent applications, and papers.
In 2006, Kathryn earned a Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) degree in the pioneer class for the program at the University of Pennsylvania. Searching for a new career that would contribute to world-wide well-being led her to working with writers. In 2013, she ran her first writers’ workshop. Since then, more than 140 people have gathered in regular workshop meetings. More than 3700 writing submissions have gone through this process. She also coaches individual authors and has edited several of their books. Some of her clients call her “the midwife of words.”
Kathryn continues to write with zest herself. She has published more than 100 articles online. Her books include Smarts and Stamina: The Busy Person’s Guide to Optimal Health and Performance, Character Strengths Matter, Thriving Women Thriving World, and Sit Write Share.
A resident of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Kathryn is overjoyed to be the close-by grandmother of two preschool boys.
I hope you join us. Sign up here. If you miss the day, I believe it will be released on Dori Mintzer’s podcast within a year.