When people build book websites, they often have giveaways to collect names of people interested in their books, as I have done here . The idea is an easy exchange: “You give me your email address for my list, and I’ll give you something of value, usually something associated with the book.” Perhaps the email addresses will be used as a way to send blog posts to subscribers. Here are some resources that might help.
I tried to submit my book to my Stanford alumni magazine and discovered they wanted the book and my press kit. Press kit? Here are articles I’m using to put one together:
Now that I have a stack of books to sign and give to my endorsers and beta readers, I wondered where to sign. Here’s an article that may help:
I decided to purchase a Kirkus review because I wanted to know how it worked. I was thrilled with the review itself, and then I received a notification that “Congratulations! I am writing to let you know that SIT WRITE SHARE has been selected by our Indie editors to be included in the September 1st issue of Kirkus Reviews. Less than 10% of Indie authors are selected for this.” That was followed up with this statement, “Because of this selection, you would be in a great position to advertise with us.” Now I had another question: is it worthwhile to pay money to advertise on the Kirkus web site and in its newsletters?
The American Library Association has a book review service as well. Booklist is a prepublication journal. Your book needs to be submitted 15 weeks before publication date. Publishers of selected books get a tear sheet of the review. No notifications are provided for books that are not selected. Here’s the information about how to request a review: