Marc Brisbaert, How many words do we read per minute? A review and meta-analysis of reading rate. Journal of Memory and Language. December 2019. Abstract. Dom Barnard. Average Speaking Rate and Words per Minute. VirtualSpeech. Dan Roth. Is Reading Aloud the Secret to Proofreading? Grammar Pedagogy for Writing Teachers. Nov. 7, 2012 Fred Jones. Ultimate Proofreading […]
There are many options out there for collecting, formatting, citing, and referencing sources that you want to include in footnotes, endnotes, or bibliographies. Shop around. The tools can really help. While it is a good idea to know the reference style you choose to use, life is too short to spend it on making sure […]
David Carnes, Copyright Laws for Quotations.I don’t know if I was being unduly cautious when I removed most of the quotations from recent works from my book. I did find that when I asked for permission for the one quotation I kept that the publisher was happy to take my money to give permission. Elizabeth […]
Monella, Writing a Dialogue in an Essay (10 Smart Ideas) NY Editors, Your Guide to Writing Better Dialogue. MasterClass Staff, How to Write Dialogue Between Multiple Characters. Sept 3, 2021.
William Strunk and E. B. White, The Elements of Style. Pearson. 4th Edition. 1999. There are later editions, but somehow E. B. White has been replaced by other contributors. I couldn’t quite let go of “Read Strunk and White.” Stephen Pinker, The Sense of Style. Penguin Books, 2014. Carol Saller. Subversive Copy Editor Blog. There […]
Idiom Tips: Bury the ‘Lede’ or Bury the ‘Lead’. Roy Peter Clark. ‘Lead’ vs. ‘lede’: Roy Peter Clark has the definitive answer, at last. August 13, 2019.When my husband was proofreading the proof copy of the book, he choked on the word lede in this chapter. He couldn’t find it in our American Heritage dictionary. I […]
Carol Saller. Forewords, Prefaces, and Introductions: Where to Begin? Subversive Copy Editor blog. Bill Birchard. Write to Reward Your Reader. Harvard Business Review, 2020.This resource covers multiple editing experiments, so I am putting it in the first. It explains why it is important to keep a piece simple, specific, stirring, story-driven, and social. As a […]
George Saunders, On Story. Video.I first mentioned this video as an entry in my personal commonplace book in the steps for Sit Experiment 2. Here I bring it up again because it could help you get in the mood for editing.