
writing tips
Sources to imitate creatively
What comes to mind when you hear the word “imitation” in the context of writing?  Do you think of plagiarism? Lack of creativity?  What if instead you thought of creating by imitating as a way to avoid reinventing the wheel?  Using good structures that others have polished just makes  your own creativity go even further. ...
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Making it harder: Sisyphus rock
Last night, I asked someone who really wants to write but hasn’t been getting it done, “Are you making writing harder than it needs to be?” She thought that summed up her situation, so we spent our time together exploring ways that she could make it easier. Writing can be liberating and exhilarating, but not...
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Scientific sibling of The Artist's Way
Should I Ask for a Kirkus Review? As mentioned in Share Experiment 15, it is possible to purchase a Kirkus review of a book.  Even though it’s a purchased review, Kirkus retains credibility because they don’t guarantee a positive review. What did I have to gain?  Libraries and bookstores often use Kirkus reviews to decide...
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